January 1st, 2017
As many others, we were excited with the announcement of Pantone’s colour of the year for 2017, Greenery. Symbolizing new beginnings and encouraging environmental awareness.
The colour green is dominant in nature, being able to bring in a natural aspect into an indoor space, provides a warm and calming presence.
Greenery symbolizes to us something refreshing, natural and inviting. This colour can be considered to be bold but due to it’s active role in nature, we feel it holds a peaceful sentiment.
With greenery portraying environmental awareness and new beginnings, we couldn’t help but feel connected to this colour and what it symbolizes to us. We consider the impact on the environment when it comes to every step of our production process. Starting with the sourcing of our natural materials we use to create our rugs. Processing our Wool, Zee Silk and Allo by hand preserves the natural fibre content which in turn protects the fibres and allows them to be highly durable.
Shambala / 6’ x 8’ / 100% Himalyan Sheep Wool / Vaara Collection
Close up of Shambala
A side from the obvious positive benefits for the environment by being environmentally conscious, our communities and customers reap in the benefits of being surrounded by a high quality truly handcrafted rug.
We honour the connection between the craftsperson and the piece they produce, it is important to us that every step is authentic and believe that no piece would hold the same high quality if they were not.
Naomi / 6’ x 9’ / 100% Zee Silk / Vaara Collection
We are looking forward to seeing what 2017 has in store for us. We hope that after a new Pantone colour is chosen for 2018, the positivity greenery resembles to us will continue to be relevant.
What does Greenery mean to you?